
Solar energy design and battery storage solutions

Why work with Remedy Solar

Remedy Solar was founded with the intent to design reliable renewable energy sources for residential and commercial customers. By combining grid tie solar arrays and battery storage, Remedy Solar is dedicated to helping customers achieve energy independence and reduce energy costs with the assurance that their energy needs are maintained regardless of whether the grid is available.

Brad Stevens, the owner and founder of Remedy Solar, is a NABCEP Certified PV Professional and has a bachelor’s degree in Geography and G.I.S mapping.  For the last 15 years, Brad has been designing solar power systems that range from off grid battery based homes, grid tied residential and commercial buildings as well as powering large scale agricultural demands.  As an off grid homeowner for over 20 years, Brad has experience installing and maintaining older solar systems as well as the most modern grid tie solar systems with battery storage.  With this expertise, Remedy Solar is uniquely positioned to provide all aspects of the solar installation process, including the design and maintenance of a system that fits your unique needs at a competitive price.


Expert Design and Installation

Solar energy and irrigation.

Need water in a remote location or looking to reduce the long term costs of running an irrigation pump?  Solar energy is a good solution! Give us a call and

About My Work

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